Athens Realty -Virtual from Athens TN 37303
423-368-0137 or 423-745-6161

My Services
I offer Real Estate Services to Veterans & Active duty personnel and retired service members, but I do not charge them for my services ($0.00) if they decide to become a client of mine.
Instantly add more to your bottom line. A Bold new program and approach! I do not know of anyone else anywhere offering this type of program. I am a Real Estate Broker & a Veteran. Hello, & Welcome to Real Estate for Veterans !
My name is TR Lawrence. During my years in Real Estate the Lord has blessed my family & me. Now I want to try to help others with my Real Estate practice. I have been licensed for over 15 years in this field and want to use my skills to help your family.

Ways to help others
I have developed a bold new program to help other service members save more in their Real Estate transactions. Defying common methods used. You served in our armed forces -You did not get rich doing it. Your $$ was hard to earn! Your service is appreciated! Let me help you save more of what was so hard to earn.
I also list others who will save you $ – I do not endorse the others or make any $ from them but list them for you to consider to save you more – as they have stated they have special programs or will offer reduced fees or waive fees for Veterans and or Service Members. Please click below to see a few.
**If you are a provider of services with a special for veterans please contact me with the details.

Contact me here!
Contact us to see what we can do for you. We can help you by giving you free advice, or help you Buy or Sell Real Estate. I offer services to anyone in my market area but provide a special plan for those who have served or are serving now.
We offer most Residential Real Estate related services – each relationship and situation is different – so let us talk to you about how we might serve you. If you are not in my market area please contact me to arrange something for you in the area you are interested in.
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