I was allowed to participate in a great community event Saturday the 25th of January. The VFW post in Decatur Tennessee provides a chance to gather with friends & family and meet a few new people from the area – not to mention having a free ($0) breakfast- hot buffet-style meal in the process. When I heard that they were doing this I called and asked if they would allow me to volunteer to be a part of this event. they were very friendly and gracious and allowed me to do just that. Now for all you fans of pancakes – I am sorry and say thank goodness for the syrup because they asked me if I would participate in the production of pancakes or griddle cakes – I said sure I will try – once again I am thankful they had lots of syrup on hand – lol. They had a great meal set out free of charge to all who would just like to come & enjoy. They had multiple types of sausage, scrambled eggs, muffins, gravy, biscuits, coffee, pancakes and more. It was a good time and I want to thank them for allowing me to be a part of it & I offered to come back for future ones when I am available. The event is open to the public and free to all – they hold the gathering the last Saturday of every month – please join them & if you happen to see me there say “hi”. I found out that several organizations in the area offer many services and the members help across from one group to the other at these events or maybe members of more than one. As I learn about more of the events I will try to post them here. I understand they are trying to plan a membership Chilli dinner event coming up – when I learn more I will post it for you. I must confess although I am a veteran and I have heard of and seen the groups before I did not know very much about them – If you are a veteran or active service member I want to say “you & I both need to learn more about them because these are groups that are here for us and deserve our support to enable them to do more” They are there to help others – if you are in need and in the area please reach out to them or to me. If we can not personally help you we will try to make sure you get any help you need because its a very good chance they know who to contact. there is a button to reach them at the bottom of this post. So please don’t feel overwhelmed or lost trying to find help – just reach out most of those serving at the event spend as much of there time doing just that – helping others and have networks of contacts or knowledge to help. Unfortunately, I only took one picture of the event – it was of the “Missing Soldiers Table” but I have attached it to this post. – TR Lawrence – please remember to share this so it may help others